
Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 3 - The cheeseburger and Pub

Hello to another beautiful day,

I my job took me out of town yesterday and I was on the road for most of the day.

Every time I go to this one place, I usually stop at the McDonalds, which is conveniently located at the exit of the motorway. Yesterday was no exception, but I tried to be as good as I could.

I started the day with my own version of bulletproof coffee (about 3gr net carbs), which usually
keep me going. I found little packets of nuts in Aldi a couple days ago and I took
2 with me, just in case. They only have 1.3 gr net carbs each and worked fine
as pick me up.

Once we came to McDonalds I had a double cheese burger and I could have taken off the bread but naughty, naughty Me had it all with bum, gherkin and ketchup. Looking up the carbs up online, it came to 29 grams, not great but since I am up to 50gr of daily carbs this week I still had a bit of room and I just about got away with this treat. Thank god there is no McDonalds close to where I live.

After work I went to see a friend in my old local pub and had 3 single vodkas and soda, which is a change to the pints of beer I would usually have, but they were totally carb free, calories yes, so I hope I still made a wise choice.

After dropping in at another friend’s house on my way home, I knew that I won’t be eating a proper dinner, so I decided for a bag of Babybel cheeses and some Brie on my own little cheese platter, topped off with some cherry tomatoes and salt. Both cheeses had no carbs and the tomatoes came to 2gr net carbs.

So all in all I only had 36.6 gr of net carbs and that makes me incredibly proud of myself, it could have gone completely wrong but the choice of cheese platter
for dinner totally kept me on track and saved my bacon :)

I only recorded my Vlog today in the morning, hence my morning face and voice, sorry for being a bit short but I had to get ready. I also had the chance to weight myself in the morning and I have lost 1.2lbs so far, not bad for Day 3, hopefully I will get between 2-4 pounds by the end of Day 7, fingers crossed I can make the weekend that is.

Stay tuned and please get in touch to ask me anything :)

Wednesday 17 February 2016

What makes me tick and why I am on a weightloss mission

Hello there,
I wanted to give you a bit more insight into my life in this blog today.
I am originally from Austria  but have been living in the UK for almost 9 years now. Originally I came here for a job that made me move into a horrible town (Croydon) and I got very unhappy and subsequently overweight.

After working with colleagues that lived in Brighton, they asked me why I am not moving to the seaside. A couple weeks later I checked Brighton out for the first time, had a curry, dunked my feet into the water in October and another 2 weeks after that I moved down.

I am a Data analyst gone Business analyst and worked in a few companies, the longest tenure at American Express and currently for an Internal Audit company that works with the NHS and social housing associations.

5 years ago I fell madly in love with a man that ended up breaking my heart. I was devastated and even went to have therapy as I was left without an answer or the slighted hint of explanation. I was blaming myself since I had no idea what the problem was, now I know I got involved with a man that was not able to commit one bit and had lived a selfish lie of a life.  

Of course I lost a hell lot of weight, also helped by the biking, running and sports I did.

Eventually I met my future to be husband and life started to look up for me again. He did have a crazy-ass exgirlfriend that tried everything in her power to destroy him and me in the process, but true love prevailed and after moving house and a restraining order against her we  are "living life happily ever after".

As I love cooking, and even more so if someone is enjoying your meals, apart from Friday's curry banquets I have and am cooking every day and make lunch for both of us for the next day.

Slowly my weight became healthy, also giving credit to beer that as an Austrian I love to drink.

Then winter a couple years back I slipped on wet wood decking and my lower back was shot completely, I had sciatica and lived of super strong pain killer whilst not moving at all. The pain and medication turned me into a zombie and I wasn't able to participate in anything.

And so the pounds started piling on, as I was always sporty I never followed a diet plan and ate what I liked, this soon became visible. I was still able to get into most dresses, skirts etc but they started to feel tight and uncomfortable.

After another year and more slow, almost unrecognisable weight gain, I started to feel depressed at times. My other half put it down to my period and a hormonal imbalance but deep down I knew this was not it. By now I have invested in a couple stretchy dresses and my skirts and dresses went into a box in my wardrobe. Of course I kept on indulging on gorgeously bad things like beer, burger and football on the weekends as well as late night snacks etc.

Of course it did not help that my other half has a physically active job and has considerably big portions for dinner, he has by the way also gained some weight due to ill food choices. I started to eat bigger portions and although I was cooking for about us and some more food for my next day lunch, I found myself also eating what would other wise go to waste. I hate waste so if it didn't fit in tomorrow's lunch box I would eat it.

This summer, the owner of the flat we were renting decided to come back from living in Australia and we were given 3 months to find a place. It drove me over the edge as by now I would eat when stressed and unhappy and the prospect of not finding a home literally tore me apart. I had serious episodes of depression and all sorts of thoughts as I had no idea what to do. We were so lucky with the place we had and it was virtually impossible to find a place that was as well kept and within our price range. My other half's job is based in Brighton and he was very reluctant to move anywhere else.

One weekend we visited his parents in Weymouth and I introduced the idea again of moving out of town, they have done it a few times and it made them happier, he then actually started to warm up to the idea.

I found the house we live in now and after some weeks of extreme saving, meeting the land lady and organising a car as it is out of town, we finally moved into our new house. It is the absolute dream house and the best decision we have ever made.

The downside of it was that now I had a car and moved even less. Then at the beginning of this year I slipped on a wet stone slab and both my knees were out of order. I had crutches and back on pain killers. The downward spiral went even further down. Being unhappy and most of all bored I started to binge eat mostly on carbs, more beer and more burgers!

When I looked at myself in the mirror I hated what I saw, a puffy face, a second and third chin, mood swings and no idea what quick fix will get me out of this.

I started to research and came across the Low carb High Fat diet, it made sense to me as in Austria we always had butter and full fat milk as well as pork scratchings in their fat on black dense bread. I decided to give it a go.

I fell off the waggon a few times, mainly Xmas and NYE where all good thought go out of the window and are replaces with overindulgence.

Since then I was on and off and started to feel more and more depressed again. I then asked myself what I could do to actually stick to this diet and how I will achieve results.

Then a couple days ago I had my epiphany and decided to make it public. I guess others have done this before with great results and I myself have read stories whilst doing my research.

So far I think it is the best idea I have had about my diet and I believe laying my story bare out, sharing fears and hopefully successes will finally get me to a weight where I can love my body and my newfound quality of life again.

I hope you enjoyed my story. If you did, please follow me or subscribe to be support and part of my quest to a new me.

Twitter: thefatcatdiaries (@thefatcatdiary)

Day 2 - my quest continues. I feel ok today, better than expected after my carb binge yesterday.

Day 2 - I did feel better than expected but then again it is easy to say on the second day of the diet.

Since I had a go at the LCHF diet last week I think it is easier to ease in. I have worked on a routine last week to fit with my job that is so varied I am unsure where I will be from one day to the next.

 I did have a tortilla wrap yesterday which shot my carb count to 47gr for the day. I can see myself being a bit naughty today as I am meeting a friend so watch out for tomorrow to see how wise of a choice I made.

Please follow me on Twitter and subscribe to the blog as well as my youtube channel to get the latest. I really like to share my journey as I believe without you, I might just fail again :)

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 1 - Decision to make my weight struggle public

Hi guys,

This is me jumping over my own shadow and making my struggle public.

I am overweight and somehow nothing seems to work. Consistency is the main issue I think. By having this video diary I hope to find, as well as give, support. I purposefully look like s*** or completely natural, as it can't get any worst ey? Stay tuned and please ask me anything you like :)

I will be posting on a daily basis.