
Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 3 - The cheeseburger and Pub

Hello to another beautiful day,

I my job took me out of town yesterday and I was on the road for most of the day.

Every time I go to this one place, I usually stop at the McDonalds, which is conveniently located at the exit of the motorway. Yesterday was no exception, but I tried to be as good as I could.

I started the day with my own version of bulletproof coffee (about 3gr net carbs), which usually
keep me going. I found little packets of nuts in Aldi a couple days ago and I took
2 with me, just in case. They only have 1.3 gr net carbs each and worked fine
as pick me up.

Once we came to McDonalds I had a double cheese burger and I could have taken off the bread but naughty, naughty Me had it all with bum, gherkin and ketchup. Looking up the carbs up online, it came to 29 grams, not great but since I am up to 50gr of daily carbs this week I still had a bit of room and I just about got away with this treat. Thank god there is no McDonalds close to where I live.

After work I went to see a friend in my old local pub and had 3 single vodkas and soda, which is a change to the pints of beer I would usually have, but they were totally carb free, calories yes, so I hope I still made a wise choice.

After dropping in at another friend’s house on my way home, I knew that I won’t be eating a proper dinner, so I decided for a bag of Babybel cheeses and some Brie on my own little cheese platter, topped off with some cherry tomatoes and salt. Both cheeses had no carbs and the tomatoes came to 2gr net carbs.

So all in all I only had 36.6 gr of net carbs and that makes me incredibly proud of myself, it could have gone completely wrong but the choice of cheese platter
for dinner totally kept me on track and saved my bacon :)

I only recorded my Vlog today in the morning, hence my morning face and voice, sorry for being a bit short but I had to get ready. I also had the chance to weight myself in the morning and I have lost 1.2lbs so far, not bad for Day 3, hopefully I will get between 2-4 pounds by the end of Day 7, fingers crossed I can make the weekend that is.

Stay tuned and please get in touch to ask me anything :)

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